PROCEDURES AND RULES FOR SUNNY SOUTH RACEWAY These rules are subject to change. The Race Director’s interpretation of these rules is FINAL. Protests/concerns should be directed to the Race Director. If a Driver or their representative/family/crew show up in Race Control (Tower) uninvited, that driver may lose all points for all races that Race Day. ​INEX Series Drivers must have INEX License to compete at Sunny South raceway. Management reserves the right to refuse the entry of any car, driver, and/or individual. A 'Class' of race vehicles is 4 vehicles. Any less than 4, then that Group may have a Trophy Race for their Feature (EIRI). Race participants are not employees of SSR and are considered independent contractors and assume responsibility for all charges, premiums and taxes, if any, payable for any funds they may receive because of their participation in any event at the facility. ***LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2 PENALTIES*** Level 1 Penalty definition: This the most egregious form of cheating, where if a piece or part has been intentionally modified to gain an advantage over competitors. Level 1 Penalty: a) DQ from that race and loss of all points for that race night, and b) Suspension from racing at SSR. (The number of races suspended will be determined by Race Director and Tech Official) Examples include- Drilling extra hole in Restrictor Plate; making hole in restrictor plate larger; working carb or intake to smooth flow to the engine. (These are some examples and is not all inclusive). Level 2 Penalty definition: This the lesser of the two penalties, where an advantage may have been gained, but no part or piece seemed to be intentionally modified to gain an advantage. Level 2 Penalty: a) DQ from race, and loss of all points for that race night. Examples include- Ride height not meeting minimum; race vehicle too light; race vehicle weight not distributed per Rules; race vehicle wheelbase not within rules). (These are some examples and is not all inclusive). ***BANDOLERO WIRING RULE*** If a vehicle has a driver comfort system installed (fan or other device), the power supply for that device CAN NOT be tapped into, joined, spliced or otherwise connected to any wire, switch or ground of the vehicle ignition wiring harness. The ONLY ACCEPTABLE METHOD to power the comfort device will be to run a dedicated wire from the battery to the switch, and from the switch to the device (assuming the ground will be to the vehicle itself). INCLEMENT WEATHER/CANCELLATION OF AN EVENT: Sunny South Raceway does not issue refunds (EIRI). In the event of rain or other hazardous conditions it may be necessary to adjust: A: the order of the event schedule, B: length of races, C: practices and qualifying sessions, or D: stop the program completely. Race Director shall make every effort to resume the schedule in a timely fashion. If competition can continue, any division having not completed a heat race or qualifying session will be lined up based on the draw for that event (EIRI). If the event is considered a rain out, then the ticket that you purchased will be good for the designated date of the rain out make-up, which is usually the next race. 1. DRIVER CHECK-IN: All participants must register for the current event, check-in at the Tech Area, show a valid/current INEX license (if required). A transponder will be issued, and a Driver’s License will be held to ensure return of the transponder to SSR. Competitors draw for Heat Race starting position. Failure to draw for position will result in being placed at the rear of the field for the heat race. If multiple drivers competing in the same division have the same car number, the driver which registered first will get to keep their number. The other driver(s) will have to change their number and tell the Transponder table what the new number will be. No duplicate numbers competing in the same class (EIRI). 2. DRIVER’S MEETING: All participants must attend the scheduled driver’s meeting. Roll call may be taken. Failure to attend without notifying the Race Director may result in the driver starting from the rear of the feature race. 3. TECH INSPECTION PROCEDURES: All cars are required to pass pre and/post-race Safety/Technical inspection. If a driver should have questions or concerns about race car legality it is the driver’s responsibility to talk to the Technical Inspector. If a car/driver is DQ'd after the Feature Race, they forfeit ALL points for that night.. No antifreeze in any racecar competing at SSR. No exceptions. 4. QUALIFYING: Sunny South Raceway will use Heat Races to determine starting positions for the Feature races. Where you finish is where you will start (EIRI). 5. PRE-RACE LINE UP: All cars will line up at Stop and Go prior to their races. Any car not staged and ready to go when the division is called onto the track will start at the rear of the field. If a car cannot make a call for a heat, it cannot start in another heat (EIRI). Should changes to the line-up become necessary on the grid all cars will be moved straight up (no crisscrossing). Once the session, heat or feature race has started, a driver may not use a backup car in that specific race. 6. INITIAL RACE STARTS AND RE-STARTS: The Leader (Control Car) may select Inside or Outside line. Cars behind the front row do not change lines. Starts will normally be double file and take place in the Start/Restart Zone. A consistent speed will be set by the Control Car. No passing is allowed until the green flag is displayed. A CAR CAN ADVANCE ON THE OUTSIDE ONLY BEFORE THE FLAGSTAND. The penalty for breaking starting procedures twice will be that car is sent to rear of the field. On re-starts if no laps have been completed with the green flag displayed and there is a caution there will be a complete double-file restart. Should two cautions come out without completing a lap the race may restart single file. Change to the lineup will result in drivers moving straight up, no crisscrossing. 7. THREE CAUTION RULE: A driver involved in three yellow flags per event, for any reason, may be black flagged. 8. SPINOUTS: If a competitor racing alone should spin out and the caution is displayed that driver shall be deemed the cause of the caution and sent to the rear. Three (3) unassisted spins equal Black Flag. If in the opinion of the Race Director a competitor intentionally spins to bring out a caution that competitor may be penalized. 9. ROUGH DRIVING: 2 Strikes and you’re out. If in the opinion of the Race Director any competitor is observed driving “out of control” or recklessly, intentionally hits another car, or is causing other drivers to spin or lose control of their car that driver will be: A. Warned/Penalized, then B. Disqualified. SSR don’t play that. 10. PASSING: It is the responsibility of both the overtaking and overtaken driver to assure safe passing. A driver being overtaken must give the overtaking driver a lane to race if the overtaking car has the line. A driver traveling alone may use the full width of the track but once challenged must choose a lane to race in. 11. ACCIDENT RULES: Driver(s) deemed to be the cause of or involved in a caution will be sent to the rear of the field for the restart. If there is contact between multiple cars and the caution is displayed all drivers involved in the caution will be sent to the rear. 12. BLACK FLAG: A black flag may be given to any driver for any reason. Driver will have two laps to answer the Black Flag or the yellow will be thrown to remove the driver. When a black flag is displayed the driver may seek consultation with the Stop and Go official. Black flags will be discretion of the Race Director/Flag Man. 13. PITTING DURING A RACE: All drivers pitting during a race must go to the rear of the field upon returning to the race (EIRI). Any car(s) wanting to return after the race has been restarted must do so from the grid at the direction of the Stop and Go track official. 14. WORKING ON CARS: All work on racecars must be done in the pit area NOT ON THE RACE TRACK. No crewmembers are permitted beyond pit road or on the racetrack at any time unless requested to be there by an official. If a car is worked on by its crew (without an official’s permission) while it is on the track, it may be disqualified from that event. If a driver takes 'courtesy laps' during intermission, that driver/car will tag the field for the Feature Race. 15. LAPPED DRIVERS: On restarts, lapped drivers will be placed at the rear of the field. Once a competitor has been put a lap down he/she must maintain a minimum speed to be allowed to remain on-track (EIRI). When being lapped on the track, Lapped cars should move to the high groove, and allow the Leaders to pass. 16. CARS MOVING THROUGH THE PITS: Cars moving through the pits or infield must do so with extreme caution and at a minimal speed. Driver driving dangerous, erratic or of excessive speed will be warned or immediately penalized. Multiple infractions will result in you being asked to leave. The driver is the only one allowed in the racecar, no passengers in or on the vehicle (EIRI). 17. SAFETY APPAREL: All drivers must wear seat belts, safety suit, gloves, helmet (with visor), and a head and neck restraint when on the racetrack as approved by Tech Official with SNELL2010 rating or newer. This includes warm-ups, practice, or whenever the car is in motion. From time-to-time safety apparel checks may be conducted. This could include checks for various equipment ratings and/or installations. Drivers must complete and pass this inspection to be able to compete. All race vehicles must have an approved, automotive racing, five or six point racing harness that is equipped with a quick release buckle. Be sure to regularly check your safety belts for damage such as fraying, tearing, etc. If this should occur, the safety belts should be replaced immediately. Tech may require that the belts be replaced if they are damaged. We recommend that the belts be changed no more than five (5) years after the date stamped on the SFI tag regardless of the number of times the car has been raced. The safety belts are designed for protection in only one major impact. If you have had a significant incident, we STRONGLY recommend immediate replacement of the belts. Make sure that your harness is totally secured and you have pulled the straps as tight as possible anytime you drive the car. Your safety depends on it. 18. UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT: There will be no harassment of officials, safety crews, spectators, other drivers or their crews. Unsportsmanlike conduct of any type will result in competition penalties and may result in the suspension of responsible parties. Drivers are responsible for the actions of all crew, family and friends. 19. INTENTIONAL CONTACT: If, in the opinion of Race Control, a driver makes intentional contact with another car, no matter the severity, that driver will be penalized. If a race driver strikes a competitor’s vehicle under Caution or after a Race in retaliation that driver may lose all points for that night. 20. TIMED EVENTS: SSR has “Timed Events” for an entire event or part of an event. All “Timed Events” will have a pre-determined amount of time for completion (usually 20 minutes for Feature Races). If the time limit expires while under green conditions the white, checkered flag sequence will begin. Should time expire under caution there will be ONE Green, White, Checker attempt. Should a caution become necessary during the GWC attempt the race will be considered complete with cars having not crossed the finish line scored by their last completed green flag lap and those involved in the caution placed at the rear of each cars respective lap. Timer stops under Red flag. 21. WHITE FLAG: Once the white flag is displayed the next flag will end the race with the cars having taken the white flag being scored as they came across for that lap, the cars involved in the caution being placed at the rear of each cars respective lap and all others being scored from their last completed green flag lap. If the checkered flag is displayed and a caution becomes necessary, all cars having not crossed the start finish line will be scored by their last completed green flag lap with the cars involved in the caution being scored at the rear of each cars respective lap (DO NOT RACE BACK TO THE LINE). 22. RACECEIVERS: RaceCeivers are mandatory for every division during all on track activities (EIRI) (this includes practice). Failure to respond to commands from race control may result in black flag. It is your responsibility to ensure RaceCeiver is working properly. 23. TRANSPONDERS: Transponders are mandatory for every division every race (EIRI). It is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure the transponder is attached properly in the correct location. If there are any questions, see Technical Inspector prior to any on track activity. If the transponder issued to you is not working you may be black flagged or not scored for the remainder of the event. 24. EXITING VEHICLE: After an on-track accident drivers should not exit their cars except in an emergency (such as fire or a fuel leak) or if requested by a Race Official. Do not disengage your seat belts or any of your safety equipment until you are directed to do so by a race official unless in an emergency as listed above. 25. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the pits during practice or race sessions. Drivers are responsible for their crewmembers. 26. GOLF CARTS, ATVS, ETC.: Only those with a State Issued Driver’s License are to operate motorized vehicles in the Pit Area. This includes (but not limited to) golf carts, bicycles, ATV’s, minibikes and scooters. Exceptions will be made for those with accessible needs. Please see the Race Director or Stop and Go Official. 27. CLEAN-UP: All personal property brought to the speedway by a team should be removed when they leave. This means tires, racecar parts, drain oil, etc. Please clean up after yourselves. 28. DROPS AND POINTS: A driver’s worst 2 finishes will be dropped, and the best point’s events will determine a champion. No-shows can be dropped. You cannot drop a technical disqualification or a disciplinary black flag. Each driver who participates in all scheduled races will receive a bonus of 50 points. To be considered for end-of-year Track Championship points, a driver must compete in at least 75% of Track Feature races for that season. In the event of multiple drivers having the same number of points after the Championship round the driver’s tie-breaker scenario will be as follows; 1st place finishes, 2nd place finishes, 3rd place finishes and so on until a champion can be determined. These rules govern local points only and will not carry through to the National Points system for INEX and Pro Challenge. 29. MINOR RELEASE FORMS: Annual minor release forms must be executed by parents and notarized for all SSR guests whether competing or not. SCORING PROCEDURES: 1. SCORING LAPS: Laps are scored by the transponder scoring system and/or manual scoring. Laps are counted as complete when the majority of the field (50%) has passed the start/finish line. If the yellow flag is displayed and the majority of the field has not crossed the start/finish line, then we will line up cars based on the previous green flag lap lineup after pulling out the cars involved with the caution. If the majority of the field fails to complete the first lap under green, then the lap will not be scored and there will be a complete restart. 2. RESTART LINEUPS: Restart lineups will be derived from the transponder scoring system and/or scorers’ lap sheets. All cars that were scored under green flag conditions will hold their positions under the yellow flag. FLAG RULES: 1. GREEN: Leader starts the race in the Start/Restart Zone. The race will start when the Control Car fires off in the Start/Restart Zone. Passing will not be permitted before the green flag is displayed. On Starts and Restarts, do not pass to the left until after you pass the Start/Finish Line. If you accelerate before the Leader starts, this will be considered a “Jump Start". There will be only two chances to get the start correct. After the second chance, driver will be sent to the rear of the field. After 3 false starts, restart will be single file. 2. YELLOW: All drivers slow to medium and consistent speed as soon as safely possible and fall into single file, nose-to-tail formation. No passing under Yellow is permitted unless directed by an official. Racing back to the start/finish line under the caution is not permitted. Do not stop on the race track or pull up to the Stop & Go Official to ask questions under the caution. Driver who does will normally take up tail end of the longest line. Cars involved in the Caution (wrecked or in some way damaged) may stop at Stop & Go for check out by the track official during the caution (this car will have to go tail end anyway (EIRI)). If repairs are needed the car will be sent to the pits. Family members and Crew are not allowed on the Track (EIRI). 3. RED: All drivers come to a complete stop as soon as safety allows. Movement on the track will be allowed when it is safe to do so, at Race Directors discretion. Emergency crews and track officials will be entering the track. Scoring will revert to the previous green flag lap scored. 4. BLACK: The black flag is to be used at the Flagman/Race Director’s discretion. Furled and pointing at you: You have committed a dangerous or unsportsmanlike action. You probably know what you did- Stop it, or you will be penalized. Waving while pointing at a car: A driver given the black flag must pull off the track. Driver may see the Stop and Go Official. Driver not answering a Black Flag will not be scored after 2 laps. 5. “CROSSED FLAGS”: The race is at the halfway point. 6. BLUE W/YELLOW DIAGONAL: Indicates that the leader and/or other cars on the lead lap are overtaking a driver. The driver must move over to the high (outside) groove of the track to permit faster cars by them. Remember, if you were just lapped by the leader there may be more cars coming. If a driver is shown the “move over” flag for two (2) consecutive laps and does not move out of the racing groove to allow faster cars to pass, a black flag may be displayed to that car. 7. WHITE: Indicates one lap to go in the race. 8. CHECKERED: Indicates the race is officially completed and all drivers must pass underneath it to be scored on the last lap. A yellow and checkered may be displayed simultaneously and all cars having not crossed the start finish line will be scored by their last completed green flag lap with the cars causing the caution being placed at the tail of their respective lap. If a race driver strikes a competitor’s vehicle after a Race that driver may be penalized per Race Directors discretion.